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Advantages of Hardwood Floors
The beauty of hardwood floors cannot be denied. They lend an aura of class and distinction to the place where they are installed. However, aesthetic appeal makes them the most popular flooring choice. Consider the following reasons among others that place hardwood floors at the top of a list of choice floorings.
They are the ideal solution for people who value tradition and would like the interior of their homes to reflect warmth and cheer, awakening reminiscences of the 'good old days'. The high quality elegant look has a permanence that never goes out of style. Their installation also contributes to a feeling of spaciousness. Relatively easy to clean, they attract less of dirt and debris and can be maintained properly by routine vacuuming and mopping once a week. Spills however have to be cleaned and wiped dry immediately.
Indoor air quality is much better in a home with a hardwood floor. Unlike carpets, a hardwood floor does not trap dust, animal dander and pollen particles, which are potential sources that can trigger allergic reactions. Hardwood floors also have high insulation properties as compared to other types of flooring products.
Hardwood floors have a long life. A kiln dried and manufactured hardwood floor can last for generations with timely refinishing and maintenance. They are extremely hardwearing, tough and able to withstand workspace activity and regular foot traffic.
A house with a well-maintained hardwood floor has a strong resale value. The floor also adds substantially to the value of the property. A resale is easier and fetches a higher price, which more than justifies the initial cost of the hardwood floor installation.
The variety available in hardwood floors is endless. Floor products from countless species, including exotic ones with many alluring hues, grains and textures to suit individual taste and liking can be bought from a number of sources. Installation is relatively easy and suppliers of the flooring can provide contact information of professional installers, to get the installation done. However, it is advisable to get a few estimates for comparison before deciding to entrust one with the installation.
Where there is a proper sub-floor installed, most do-it-yourselfers can do the installation themselves. The factory finished pieces fit perfectly with one another making the work very easy. Technological advancement has provided the means to produce better quality hardwood flooring products. This fact coupled with its inherent natural properties, places hardwood flooring among the best flooring options available.